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Covid-19 Air Cleaning


       Air cleaner can kill Covid-19 from the air. In Jan. 2021, an experiment targeting to kill the living Covid-19 in the air was taken place in Beijing,99.99% had been killed.
       Covid-19 mono is in diameter about 100 nm, as the following picture. Thus, any particle or aerosol suspending in the air which is larger than 100 nm (PM0.1) could become the carriers of the hosts of the virus. The spittle is the larger size of aerosol range in 1000 - 10,000 nm (PM1.0-PM10) which can carry lots of virus. More the worst, spittle would continuously break out to numbers of smaller particles when it travels in the air.
       Air cleaning technology can captured particles or aerosols as small as 10 nm, in range 10-700 nm 71.3% effective, and 450-700 nm 98.5% effective. This means no matter the Covid-19 mono or its hosts are all fallen into the capture scope of the air cleaning technology. Virus is captured into the water of the air cleaner and be killed by the added disinfectant in the water.